Our dining room offers cooking facilities for classes and after school clubs.


Every classroom has air conditioning to ensure that students can learn in comfort.


Our children enjoy the open space for free play that our campus offers.



Every classroom has air conditioning to ensure that students can learn in comfort. We have lightweight furnishings which help create a flexible classroom which can be altered and changed before or during a lesson. The natural light also offers a number of wellness benefits to the students and faculty alike.


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sekolah nusa alam-ict-lab


Our library is an active facility where students are taught – and practice – research and other 21st century information skills that are necessary for lifelong learning. Reading for pleasure is promoted, encouraged and celebrated. We have an increasing range of English and Indonesian books for all ages, both fiction and non- fiction. SNA families are welcome to borrow books, or stay and read in our light, calm space.


The role that technology plays in our lives is increasing daily in all areas of our lives. At SNA, we recognise this and are preparing our students to live, learn and work in an increasingly technologically complex world.
We want to ensure that our classroom-based technologies stimulate a student’s creativity, analytical abilities and instill confidence in their self-expression and communication.
Our goal is to improve learning and we believe that we can do so by providing students with access to the information and tools where and when they need it. We do this by supporting traditional classwork with various technological tools – such as access to the ICT lab for primary students and our one-to-one laptop program for Middle and High School students.
Students learn to use educational apps, how to create, share and edit documents and design and produce their own multimedia. Our teachers use technology to supplement their lessons and to help students dive deeper into class assignments and access information to help them better understand core concepts.


Our multi-purpose science lab supports different disciplines. Biology, chemistry, physics require different materials, facilities and teaching methods, and therefore have different requirements for a laboratory environment. Our spacious and modern lab supports this and promotes hands-on learning.

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sekolah nusa alam-ict-lab


Primary students explore the visual arts with a specialist teacher using a variety of media and processes, including painting, collage-making, drawing and mask making. It is a sensory experience, allowing our youngest students to touch and feel the materials used to make art pieces and to gain a better appreciation in general of the work that goes into making art.
Students in Grades 7 and 8 take a more theoretical approach to art through studies of art and colour theory and in-depth investigations of various artists and styles. They create group and individual theme-based projects (i.e. use of spirals or traditional Aboriginal painting methods).
Students in grade 9 and 10 can choose to do IGCSE Art and Design as an elective. Students will learn to develop analytical skills and problem solving skills while working towards technical proficiency and building their confidence as an artist.


Our children enjoy the open space for free play that our campus offers. Attractively landscaped and organised, the school grounds feature purpose designed playgrounds in the Playgroup and main recreational area.
A basketball and volleyball court and soccer field are used for Physical Education or breaks and a range of play equipment is designed to build our students strength and balance including a flying fox.


The school has provided wooden tables and benches for pupils to eat their lunch. Our dining room also offers cooking facilities for classes and after school clubs.